Behind The Walls with Guy Goodenough

Ever wondered what lurks behind the scenes of a construction project? In this episode, we sit down with Guy Goodenough, Construction Manager at Simply Home, and explore the hidden tales of job site surprises and the unexpected factors that frequently surface in the world of construction. Guy takes us on a journey through cost considerations, permit intricacies, and the invaluable time element.

You'll learn Guy's exceptional approach in handling these challenges and discover the common, albeit unforeseen, discoveries that often lie concealed behind the walls of projects. From degraded framing to unpredictable inspector interventions, the construction journey is filled with ups and downs. But as Guy emphasizes, the key is to stay excited about the process, and with unwavering professionalism, communication, and openness, we'll reach as close as possible to your dream home in the safest and most efficient manner.

This Episode Will Cover: 

• How Guy got involved in construction.
• What is often found behind the walls of projects.
• Why degraded framing is often found during construction projects.
• How to prepare for the unexpected.
• What Guy would say to someone starting a new project.
• The strangest thing Guy has found in the walls.
• The biggest value Guy believes Simply Home brings to their clients.

Learn More About Ashley, Michelle, & Simply Home: 
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Episode Transcript

This is the Simply Home Podcast - Ladies Who Build, a podcast for women by women.

This is Ashley Wainscott and Michelle Mullins.

After spending the last 10 years revolutionizing the construction industry and raising the bar of the contracting world.

We are inviting you on our journey as we continuously learn how to be extraordinary and thrive in this industry.

Now, come hang with us.

Welcome to Episode 14. Behind the walls. We are here with a very special guest, Guy Goodenough.

And this season, we are talking with our team members all about their experience, things that they see on job sites and we're just sharing everything that you probably don't know because you're not here working with us. So some key summary points for this episode, we are going to be talking about stories of surprises on job sites, things that are most frequently seen on those job sites, the unexpected. And we're going to be talking about cost factors, permit considerations, time considerations with all of these things. And of course the phenomenal approach of Guy and how he specifically handles these things as they come up.

Yeah, so okay Guy, welcome to the podcast.


Thank you, thank you.

We're so excited you're here. For those who don't know, Guy Goodenough is our, one of our construction managers and he holds down the north side. So he, if you have a north project coming up or have had one, you definitely probably worked with Guy.

My little intro for you is you're like the construction dad of the group because anytime anybody has a construction question on the team, I'll always say, have you asked Guy? Because if you don't know the answer, you will certainly research it and give us the answer. So you were just like a wealth of knowledge, all things construction.

Thank you.

You read my mind. I was about to say Guy is a wealth of information and almost Wikipedia but better. But also we have to think about Guy’s trophy and he's the audio book. Voice of heaven.

Oh yeah. So without further ado, let us show you how soothing his voice is on mic.

Well, thank you. Thank you very much for the introduction. Yeah. I would like to think of myself as Wikipedia, but more personable.

Yes. There's zero interaction with Wikipedia.

So, but yeah, I, I really, I enjoy what I do and I'm fascinated by our industry and just you know, the skill that are our trade have. And so anytime I have the opportunity to dig in on something and really research a topic that I'm either have and can share or a need to look into further so that I can better understand it at, I jump at those opportunities. So.


And that gives us peace of mind. We love Guy on the team because Guy will inspect and understand every piece of a situation, whether it's a material or an approach and I love that. I love how your brain works. My brain doesn't work that way.

But I think it's important that you know, you've got that level of confidence. So that's why I try to be prepared in and look into these things, you know, before they come up as possible. And I'm constantly looking for different things on the internet that I can look into, or, you know, just chasing down the rabbit hole on your YouTube so that I can try to look in for something new or woodworking or framing or the rabbit hole. Just go.

There it goes. So Guy tell us where you came like, what's your background, where you came from that led you to this role?

I've been in construction for quite some time. It originally started actually when I was in retail with Best Buy. I worked there for quite some time and having the opportunity to work with a team and department that eventually developed out of it and we would go around remodeling the stores. And that took me to a corporate level job at that point and I've been, I've been in DC. I've been in California, Florida, all throughout Texas. Virginia. Colorado for sure. And it was an excellent opportunity to see a lot of different aspects of a corporate construction.

My particular field dealt with you know, the merchandising, the fixtures themselves. Eventually got into a low voltage and then managing the scopes that were around that as well. Including managing electricians. Didn't really have much plumbing, but electricians, some general laborers as well to make sure that scope got resolved.

So, I did that for quite a while. And then that branched out. My love of construction was born out of that. And I went into a new residential component of cabinetry. And I got to see cabinetry is a really unique industry because it winds up being a beginning point of you take construction up to a certain point where you get the framing, you get the drywall and almost any point after that, the cabinets can go in. And it has to seamlessly be installed and work with how everything's framed, drywalled, trim comes in around the countertops coming around it, then plumbing around it, the electrical around it. So I wound up learning a lot of different code aspects and how to work with those other trades to make sure that their scope and their design within the building and construction fit with our cabinets.

So that's definitely how I wound up being pretty well-versed in most aspects of code and how those things come into play. Worked with two different firms. Both of them within the Austin, Texas area. After quite a few years, I got more interested in the project management, you know?

From working with all these trades and having a general understanding of you know, beginning to end of construction. I wanted to venture out and try project management. Well, I saw your fantastic opening for project management and approach y'all for that. We definitely, like, I liked what y'all had to offer with Simply Home and you know, you all definitely saw some talent open there for an opportunity. And although I didn't get the project manager role, you'll have the construction manager role. I have not looked back and ever since I think it's been a great fit and a fantastic couple of years.

Yeah. What a great summary. That wraps it up in a bow for sure.

And I'm glad that you went over that because I remember during your interviews, diving. So, wow. With your process with Best Buy and working in cabinets. And I just thought it was very well-rounded, but it was also really great that even though you had experienced in this one area, you would jump to this other area and not be afraid of learning this new area of expertise. Because not everybody does that.


You know?

Well, it definitely helps when you like what you do and you know, you're eager to look into it further. So yeah.

So I think that is such a good intro because working, especially working in cabinets. Cabinets are really tricky because there are so many things that affect what comes before and after cabinets. And so I think you do a good job, and this is a really great topic that we're discussing with you because there are so many factors in construction that are kind of like domino effects, where you do one thing and you have to see how it affects the 10 others that come behind it. So I think you have a good perspective in that, with that being your background. So to jump in a little bit on, our main topic is really what's, what do we find behind the walls of projects? So we always tell clients that, you know, you're no project goes perfectly. It's just quite impossible because there's when you're doing a remodel, you're not doing a new build where you get to control every factor that goes into this home.

No, we're dealing with things that our homes are built in the seventies, the fifties and so on. So you have to kind of workshop what is existing and so we want to share a little bit about what we have experienced in finding behind the walls, how we handle those things and then, it's really just to show kind of educate clients. So to not be scared, it's stuff we can all handle. But just kind of give you a little bit of insight into what that looks like.

So I guess, why don't you start out with maybe like what's the most common thing you find when you start a project that like, kind of comes out time and time again behind and expand it.

Well, I think you know, the most common thing that we come across will usually be framing.

They're just degraded over time. And so often, we're working on a bath or kitchen which are often located on exterior homes, you know, think about a kitchen sink that's always centered on the window and, you know, the bath tub that's out on the exterior of the home. Something that you wind up dealing with is your, you've got water either from the kitchen sink, the bathtub, or from the exterior of the home that has breached the barrier of the home. It seeps into that sill plate at the four level and starts to pull up into the wall. So that's what we see when drywall first opens up, often the actual framing of the structure of the league, building is degraded.

Sometimes it's a tiny little bit, not much to be concerned with. Other times I've seen across multiple studs. So we're talking 20, 30 inches. That four plate has disintegrated and has to be completely rebuilt. So I would have to say like, you know what, we, when we open the wall, that's what we kind of look for first and really almost expect to find.

So depending on how extensive it is. Usually some amount of that has been factored in and we can just, you know, go ahead and clean it up right then and there, when we find it. We had a job recently, where we’ve had that discovered. And we were already in position to reframe the shower niche, which already fit within that wall. So, you know, for just a couple more studs, we're able to clean that up and get a result for our clients. So.

Kind of a weird blessing in a way when you're remodeling is that it allows you to go back in and clean up anything that has happened over time, or maybe the way something was done previously, whether that was DIY or not. And it gives us the opportunity to address it.

Yeah. Yeah. Good. You know, full reset on that button.

Demo is always such a, interesting time in the project because there's a lot of expectations setting where we know what comes after demo is that expected and there's always going to be some things that we find. So it's all, I'm sure you go in and you're just starting to look over everything like, all right, what do we got here? What are we working with?

Yeah. And that's definitely the beginning phase of the project. You know, we really, and we, when we have a new client, we're sending down with that. We’re like that's going to be the moment where we're going to find it. Unfortunately, it's what we've started that relationship with the client started in with project and you know, usually towards the end of the project, you're not finding these things. But you've got this fresh relationship and you're like, I'm sorry, half your wall's gone. We're going to have to approach this, you know, maybe it's something that we kind of accounted for in the budget.

Maybe it wasn't at all. So then we go from there, whether that be something that we can cover with them. You know what we budgeted or if it's going to have to be approached as a change order.

I think that's a good point that you make, because most of our change orders that come up, like the unexpected change orders come up or really at the, at the beginning of a project. So, so like, what you're saying is during demo, during framing, during rough ins of electrical and mechanical stuff. For clients going into this saying, you know, we've heard the question. Well, are we going to see this throughout the project? Typically, no. It's really just at the beginning where it gets kind of hefty because we've got to see what's behind your walls. And then from there, majority of the time, like change orders come up usually because it's just ad-ons, design ad-ons or if something comes up, we'll give you some options to say you don't technically have to do this, or, you know, it's really kind of rare, like to your point. I think one more kind of getting towards the end of a project where something big comes up that we really have to drastically address. That all usually happens at the forefront. So once, you know, as a client, you're kind of through that initial hump, you can kind of breathe easy a little bit like, ah, okay. They didn't find anything too crazy. It's good.

Yeah, that would be that awesome moment. Once you're past that, you're ready to like reinsulate and drywall. If you've managed to get past that with any significant discoveries, you're pretty much.

Yeah. That involves the celebration.


We need to put that into our calendars for clients. Day for stop and celebrate.

For them.

And us. I mean, it impacts us a lot too. It's not something we necessarily want, because then it, then we reorganized calendars and rescheduled vendors. And you know, involves a lot of thinking and consideration.

Okay. Besides framing, what's something else you run into?

Well, a lot of times it's when we've operated under and I think a fair assumption. You know that certain things are done up to what would have been coped. But we have certainly discovered with some of our most recent remodels that, I don't know if there was a time period or you know, just people were getting away with what they were a recent discovery that we've seen time and time again is a vent fan. So exhaust fans that are just going into scuttle spaces and in the attic, which of course you're not doing yourself any good.

Any sort of odor or grease or humidity is not actually vacating the home. So you really just steaming that attic space and that's you know, maybe you've got some ridge vents or some gable vents that are kind of alleviating the issue, but certainly not to plan. So in those instances where we've been changing out those appliances, either getting either just flat out working or getting more efficient or, you know, something that operates more quietly, we've discovered that we go to reconnected with the existing duct work and it goes nowhere.

And at that point, sometimes you get lucky and there was already a roof vent that was either intended and just never connected because it goes through two or three different teams at that point. And we can, that's a more easy and quick solution where we can make it connect as it was supposed to. But then if it doesn't and we don't have an access point, that's where we started having to get into multiple trades.

We've got our electrician and our HVAC team coming in for the appliance. And then we've got a roofer so that we can get you in exhaust port and make sure it's sealed properly for that roof inhalation or sidewall if we're fortunate enough to be near an ease of a home and can make it work within code allowance.

And there are stipulations for that as well. I actually, we're going through a construction process of my own, through a roofing and reinstallation. And we discovered my very own bathroom fence. Just hanging out. So I know that we’ve seen this to multiple jobs with Simply Home, but even in my own home, you know so.

Much to your own the same. You’re one of the people that's what happened to.

It doesn’t. I’ll make sure we're getting it fixed. You know, in line with this project. So yeah.

Not in my home.

No, no, no.

Not in here.

I try to walk the walk and make a double right.

We're really good at going in other people's homes all day and addressing everybody else's needs. And then every time I come back here, I should do that too.

With code. Gosh code is so interesting and it's, it's actually kind of interesting for us in our position, seeing all these different types of homes and what years they're built is that truly, the way things were done back then was up to code at that point, right?

So to your point, it could have been a code thing where, okay, this was sufficient enough to send out to the attic who really knows. But if I think about all the electrical nuances, which I won't go into detail, cause it's like really detailed and crazy to think about. But these homes you'll go through and you're like, oh my gosh, this seems not safe. Like why would anybody do that? And then lo and behold, you'll talk to the trade. And they're like, well, that was code back in the day, but that was normal. And so it's kind of interesting to your point, actually, it's like when you do a remodel, you can actually kind of bring your home back up to current code. And so it's nice that you can, we touch all those spaces because especially when you're pulling permits, and as you know, a guy that the inspector really has a free for all with your home at that point, And you just gotta go with whatever he wants to tell you to upgrade.

That is exactly right. Actually another point I was going to bring up. I know you've had those experiences where, you know, you're that close to being done with the project. And I think, I think it was even goes back to when we were interviewing.

You mentioned that you were on final inspection, inspector walked in. You're doing like a tiny bathroom at the back of the house. But he asked you by that window at the front door and it turned out it was predated. You know, probably fine at the time, but it wasn't tempered. And we got dinged on that one.

Oh, the tempered windows.

And like windows are not cheap. So then to tell a client, when you were about to close out a project, they've spent all their money. They're good. They're ready. Then you're like, oh, now I have to order this window that the inspector wants.

Which windows usually are just not in stock. That's not something that you can just hop in and then close out the project. And then inspectors are funny and that they will bring up things at the very final inspection that you know that they've seen the whole time. And they’re like, why I didn't have to bring it up until this inspection. I'm like, you're right, you didn't have to.

But I mean, I guess a tempered window is a safety issue. You know? I guess it is.

Yeah. The whole point of that tempered window by that door is so that, you know, if you were to trip and fall reaching for the door. Is that going to break in dangerous little pieces of glass. So I mean they definitely have reasons to be that way. But yeah.

Guys, like actually that's super important. But you don’t need it. No, you don’t need that.

Very random strange reasons but you know, they're all based on past contract that's built. It's based on past experiences. So someone, somewhere that happened to and now it's a code. And even though the chances might be one out of a million, it's still a rule.

It's going to find your house. Yeah.


And one of the other ones that will get us every now and again is a smoke detectors.

Oh yeah.

You know, it was nothing on our scope. It's just an existing within the envelope of the home. But yeah, we've had a number of those where either, you know, it needed that one extra one in the hallway or they weren't wired and we've had to investigate your, that one wired unit and the wireless system. If that's considered acceptable for that job but that's another one that's blindsided because wasn't anything that was directly related with our one little bathroom that we were retiling in the back of the house. But it's certainly something that can come up. So.

I remember we were doing a kitchen and it was over here of this street.

I know what you're thinking of. Yeah.

Yes. Over in Northwest sales where Michelle and I were working on a kitchen and the inspector at the very end of the project came in and asked if the garage wall that the kitchen was on was fire blocked. And Michelle and I thought that's a great question. Is it fire blocked? And I don't know why I think because on the garage, maybe there was a hole or something that happened where he was able to see that the wall previously wasn't fire blocked and we hadn't demoed out that wall or anything. Hadn't really touched that wall other than installing cabinets. But anyways, that was something that got us at the very end of the project. And I will bring this up. I know we talked about this, but a lot of people say, well, aren't you a general contractor? Aren't you supposed to know everything?

And, I think this comes up all the time, because I'm like, I would love to know everything. If I were a robot, I could probably know everything. But there's no way to know everything that could possibly come up or that could possibly be in your walls. And we do a very thorough job at least I can say that for us. Initially, we do a very thorough job on the sales side, as far as bringing vendors out, double checking things, doing our due diligence, but there are still things that we are just not going to see. And not because we don't want to, but it's just, that's not how it's going to go.

We, there was no way to look into a client's wall to know if it was fire blocked before we started the project. And that's one of those things that I'm like, I didn't know. And that would have been way easier a few months ago to fix. So.

I think on that note, one of the high level points we wanted to hit here too was, I'm sure people are thinking, okay, well, how do I prepare for these? You know, if we, if we have no way of knowing, if we didn't consider it in the overall budget. What do you recommend clients do to prepare for the unexpected?

Well, I mean, something that I think we do a decent job of is planning in our estimate. Bringing up a contingency. You know, where we tell them this percentage of what we've discussed may come up in some capacity, whether that be an additional costs due to do framing or because we discovered this about the vents or a code concern comes up and there are a number of different ways in which that can trigger both for safety wise and specter wise, you know, But you know, we, we try to put it in the verbiage of the estimate that this should be thought of as a real number that may come into play.

That was not a number that we collect or bank on, or, you know, We'll stay with you. But it's wise to be thinking about those numbers.

Okay. Yeah.

Is there anything a client can do or anything a client can say or how they can be throughout this process that you have found has been really beneficial for some clients?

I mean, you know, just be excited about the process. They focused on what you're wanting to get out of it. Understand that actual journey is going to have its highs and lows. But the, you know, we're definitely gonna make sure we get to that finished product. And get it as close to, you know, your exacting dream that fits within what's physically and you know, safely can be completed. So yeah. It's a, it can be a very bumpy journey, but you know, we'll, we'll get you there. So.

You should put on your seatbelt.

Yeah. Okay.

Buckle in.

I think what would be a fun question for you and maybe if you can remember a time of this happening, but what do you think is like the most bizarre thing you've found behind the walls or inside a house?

Let's see, I mean, I think that would probably wind up going back to like pest. Flies, you know, We found a Bubba Brogan's. That certainly happens. It was one of those things in those walls. It comes up more often than you realize, you know? So and then of course there was my surprise last year where, you know, I was walking to the job site. And of course, while the being bit by a brown recluse spider. So that was pleasant. So.

And you can’t do anything at that time, right?

No, no, no. The, their bites are so tiny that you will not feel it. You just notice the effects like a few days later. So yeah. Well, I guess that's one pleasant thing.

So when we were at that job site, taking photos at the end, I..

I was looking all around. And I wore my tall boots and even though the project was finished, I still, I mean, I have a kind of arachnophobia. And so when that happened to you, I'm not messing around with brown recluses or really any spider for that matter.


But you were able, the bite went away. How do you treat brown recluse bites?

I think you just, yeah. The antibiotics had rid that one out. Yeah. It could have gotten worse but the doctor said, I fared really well for them. So, yeah.


Yeah. I do not recommend.

See, the sacrifice Guy makes.


To finish your projects.


You know it's going to be done, right?

And you know, we call pest control.


Two rounds on that one. Yeah.

As we shoot.


Those are like the houses though that have been sitting for a while that hasn't been lived in. It's kind of just been there then the creditors start to make their way in.

I mean that house was there for sitting there empty for what?


Five years?

Yeah. Three to five years. Yeah. Yeah.


It’s been a while.


So, yeah. They have full rights to it.

Yeah. I was gonna say, so we were in their home.

Yes, yes. It was my fault. I know it. So yeah.

Get out of here.

This isn't like a big deal because it's more than just funny, but some like random stuff I'll find in walls is when the house was built, the construction workers would throw their fast food cups and bags in the walls. And then you open up that wall and you're like, well, this guy was eating some water burger when he was building the wall. We were just like, not a big deal, but kind of just like what, why.

And gross.

And gross, like who, who thought that was a good idea?

Also, could you imagine being in your bathroom and thinking it smells like taco bell?


Months later and you’re like, why does this smell like taco bell?


Am I just craving taco bell?

That's how they get ya. All right, cool. Yeah, those are pretty bizarre.


I think the wildlife is probably one of the biggest ones so I've come across. So.

Anything work-related that you've seen that's been bizarre?

This goes back to one of my cabinet companies that I worked for. I was doing a cabinet inspection. This was a weird one.

I was doing a cabinet inspection. It was bathroom, full kitchen, and I think there was like some closet cabinets and I was walking around looking for these closet cabinets and all of a sudden I took like a left turn through their primary bath. And there's a massive room buried in the back of this house. And have like drainage in the floor and just stay really like creepy vibe. I don’t know. That one was a quirky one, for sure. So that, that, that might take the cake even over past.

That's crazy.

I'm trying to get out of that house as quickly as possible.

I'm trying to, I'm trying to go with the fact that he was a cigar aficionado. You need your movie system. I have no idea. Till this day, I don't know. So yeah.

We can probably do a whole podcast on the crazy houses we've seen like in the beginning when we first started somebody's home. I worked with a lot of rental companies doing like their make readies. And I mean, we still, I can recall some of those houses like they were just yesterday. That's how bad they were.

Oh yeah. I remember with property management, we were called one time to pick up human feces.

Yeah. There was like druggies living in the house.

Yes. Human feces, that happened actually a few times and I, that wasn't a service that we offered, but it was a strange request. I didn't take them up on that offer myself.

And that's when we transitioned to full home remodeling. And we got out of it. We’re like, should we rebrand?

Yeah, crazy.

Yeah, that really was a lot.


And a lot of drugs and I don’t know if I mentioned that earlier. But a lot of drugs and Michelle and I learned we don't go on those walkthroughs alone.

Oh, yeah. We were just Willy nilly. We’re like, is anybody home and it would be like a homeless person living there. And we're like, we're just taking a quick measurement. So dumb. Excuse me.

I’m sorry. Is that, does that say 24 feet or 23?

Could you hold that on that end, please? I feel like it's our budget.

Yeah, there was that one person that broke in someone's back house that we were remodeling.

Oh, yeah, that was recently, right?

It was years. It was years ago.


Because it was me and you and a woman that own that investment property and we're remodeling the house and the back house, but someone had broken in and was living in the back house.


And we weren't expecting that when we went over there to check on it, I guess after the weekend probably when it happened? And we're very surprised to see that there is someone's stuff. Thankfully the person wasn't in there.

Yeah. I remember that.


Wow. I feel like this has turned into a Halloween edition.

Oh my gosh.

Spooky, creepy, worst case scenarios.

Yeah. Yeah.

Key the music.


Okay. So to kind of tie this all in, I think an important kind of note that I'd like to add to some surprises that you've talked about Guy, but also just experiences we've had is, and you can kind of add on to this, but what I really want to hone in on is that there's no reason for clients to be scared. We get that there's a cost factor for that. And we are very considerate when presenting that to a client.

So I think the biggest thing though is nothing really scares us, right? So something behind the walls can kind of sound scary. What is it? How big is it? How extensive is it? But I mean, the stuff that you've even found in the years that you've been with us, it's all, it's all something we've seen or can handle or know how to deal with. So it's just, it's not a concern for us in that way.

Yeah. No, you're definitely right. I think, you know, the scariest part is the unknown which we will figure that out. Right after that would have to be cost, whether it's something that, you know, it's easily already fits within the plan like a wall we were already going to reframe any ways. Or if it's something that generates cost. Those are really the scary part. You know, our overall objective and mission and where we will get it in the end is a we're going to get it and finish up the work. So.

Much like, you know, taking time, digging new topics and new subjects and new technology related to construction like I look forward to those opportunities and those challenges to dig deeper and figure out how to resolve the issues. So yeah.

Yeah. That's awesome.

So we try to come forward with the confidence and remain as unflappable as possible.


We've got this, so, yeah.


We've got this.

Well, especially you Guy, you got it.

You got this, Guy.

You love to research and make sure it's done right.

That kind of ties into the value proposition of Simply Home in any remodeling firm, what do you think is the biggest element of value that we bring to clients?

I think, you know, the biggest ones are professionalism, communication. We try to be as open as possible with everybody we're working with. And we, we, as soon as issues come up, we're communicating that so that we can figure out the resolution that's best for everybody involved. So, yeah. We're engaging, I guess. Yeah.

We really are.

Oh, yeah. We engage all right.

Okay. Before we get into our fun, kind of final questions for you, is there anything else to add that we should let clients know about this topic?

The number one takeaway is, especially when you're, you know, trying to repurpose and rebuild your space, so it'd better suit you, or your personality. Is that there are going to be things that come up, take it as a surprise as it is for everybody. But, you know, we will figure out that this resolution and move forward and get the project completed as it needs to be, safely up to code. You know that is our primary goal. So in that, we will get it there. So.

And it’ll look good.

Yeah. It will.

It’s gonna look good. Yeah.

When we take photos at the end, then you're going to be really happy.


That's why it looks the best.

The chef's kiss.

Okay, so let's dive into our fun questions.


All right. So, this is what we kind of asked everybody, but first would be what's your best kept secret in Austin, Texas?

I think it would have to be hiking trails. It is an unknown. Just how many little tucked away greenbelts there are in Austin that interconnect and go for miles. So and I've been on many of these been in height, dense neighborhoods. You grab some little trailhead and disappear and you can't even see the home.

I think it's something unique to the hill country around also just that there are areas in Austin that nill especially at one point weren't feasible to build up. You will find some areas now where there was something over in Westlake or where the retaining wall for that home must have been like 60, 70 feet high.

We will get adventurous with construction these days. It blows my mind, but at a certain point, like you know, any of those little sheer drop-offs in the hill country, you know, you carve out a little space called a green belt and put a hiking trail on it. So. But yeah. Explore the hiking trails in Austin. I highly recommend that.

That's a great point. There's a lot of hidden ones.

Yeah. What's your favorite? Do you have a favorite?

There's a network of them right over off of Backhoney’s in 1803 in that area that are, they just chain together and we'll go on for miles. And they're, they're just as good for kids and adults. One of the groups I've worked with are scouts and we've done many hike taking a little, like five-year-olds out there. So, yeah.

Awesome. Right.

Question number two, what is a hidden talent of yours?

The potential of voice acting apparently.

Did you get these compliments before?

Every now and again.


Somebody would bring up like, Guy, you have a radio DJ voice. It's always DJ voice or a audio. Do you do audio books or yeah. There's yeah. Sometimes people like hear it or I'm in that right mode of conversation so it's untapped but.


I'd have to say. Yeah.


It's so funny, cause I'm sure Guy at this point gets annoyed cause he would give you like a team meeting and he's talking about something super serious and then someone will be like, God Guy, you really need to read books or something on audio. And we’re like, can we just get back to the point? Someone always has to comment.

After Guy is talking and we got it, know what? It could be any topic of conversation. And we're like, oh, that was relaxing.


Yeah, no. No it's, but I love it. You know, I think it's a great compliment. I've had that you know, there was one point I was doing customer service calls with my cabinet company. And you know, reaching out to clients, trying to schedule service calls and stuff. And I'll be at some coffee shop outside on the patio and making phone calls and somebody like two tables over after I get off the phone, they’ll be like, man, did you do radio or. That's been a recurrence.

That’s so funny.

Hey, that's a, that's a calling.

It would be so believable if you prank people and said, Leon, I'm calling from ninety six seven.

Oh yeah.

We’re live on air.

Okay. Question number three, out of all the office supplies, what would be your favorite item?

I think one thing you got to put in perspective is my office is certainly weird. You know, I'm more in office when I'm in like some half-built home and residents. So when you know what I call it, my desk, it's a unique place. So there'll be my desk at home, paperwork, my car, my roving office, or you know, a stack of drywall, but you know, I'm working on my laptop. So as far as like something that's always by my side in any of my offices is definitely my tape measure.

I knew it.

I knew you were gonna say that. I knew it. I knew it.


I don't know. It could be something out of the trunk thing. I've seen a lot of different nifty tools back there, but tape measure.

Yeah. No, I do carry a special place in my heart for my four foot level. We had a lot of mileage together, but yeah. I've gotten out at the grocery store and made it and then realize I have my tape measure on. And we're like get to a job site and make it out of the car without my tape measure is just wrong. It's just wrong.

I’m missing something.

And I'm super specific about my tape measures to the, I'd like them to be double printed on both sides. You know, with the standard measurements because it's very useful if you're in a weird angle or measuring overhead, no one have to flip that tape upside down because it creates a fall point. So you know, you can extend out and read under the tape.

I have one of those that was, it surprised me because it was a standard measurements and a metric on the other side. Not that that's not useful. It's not useful for me. So that one, I had to return. But yeah.

Cobalt tape measurements, 25 feet. We'll get you covered. They've got some really nice compact ones, double from both sides.


I was gonna say, hear that football. Come sponsor us. We’re dropping your name.

All right, last but not least. What is something positive in the media that you have seen lately?

Everyone has a hard time with this question. I think that says something to our media world.



You know, one of the most recent ones, I don't know if it feels political or not, but you know, I recently heard the talk of the hostages or prisoners. They were released from Iran and all that came to negotiate. You know, and that, that of course have like, you know, media, BBC, MPR just completely like, you know, covering that story, how that release was made. So I, highly, you know, highly positive and good result to have, you know, wrapped up. So. I don't know if that's any sort of touchpoint or not.

Oh yeah.



It is. Human lives.


Were saved.


Human lives. Period.

Guy, thank you so much for coming on. We've learned a wealth of knowledge as always from you and we're excited for future projects.

Yeah. Breaking ground on more of them coming up in the next couple of weeks. It's going to be a lot of fun and I'm always excited to, you know, both break ground and you know, open up the walls and see what's going on. And then, you know, finally close it all up and give those final photos.

And then break bread. Break walls and then break bread.

You’re the remodel doctor. We’re like, we have a doctor back up and then we'll have dinner and then we'll be done.

So, so wonderful hearing Guy’s voice. But also talking specifically about this and we hope it's been useful for everyone.

If you have any questions further, please reach out to us and we're all ears.


Thanks much for listening.

I'll see you next time.