It’s All in the Details

Ashley Luera, Sales Coordinator at Simply Home, joins the show today to discuss all of the little details. Serving as the essential concierge, Ashley sheds light on the meticulous details that must be seamlessly tied together before the project enters the construction phase. Discover the preparation required in the handover to construction, the complexities of scopes and the role of being a liaison among all parties involved in the construction process.

Listen in to learn about the dynamic interplay between materials and plans, as well as the contractor's responsibility in assessing material feasibility. Ashley guides us through the purchasing process for items crucial to home construction, explaining how clients can navigate this aspect for a streamlined and efficient project.

This Episode Will Cover: 

• How we prep for handover to construction.
• What it means to be the liaison between all parties involved in construction.
• How materials coincide with plans.
• The contractor's role in checking for materials.
• How clients purchase these items for their homes.
• What you need to know about the material world.
• How we ensure our clients have a smooth process.

Learn More About Ashley, Michelle, & Simply Home: 
• About Ashley & Michelle:
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• Instagram: @simplyhomeaustin
• Facebook: @simplyhomeaustin
Episode Transcript

This is the Simply Home Podcast - Ladies Who Build, a podcast for women by women.

This is Ashley Wainscott and Michelle Mullins.

After spending the last 10 years revolutionizing the construction industry and raising the bar of the contracting world.

We are inviting you on our journey as we continuously learn how to be extraordinary and thrive in this industry.

Now, come hang with us.

Welcome to Episode 16 of Ladies Who Build. We have a special guest today for the episode titled, It's All In The Details. Ashley Luera is joining us from the Simply Home team and we are getting into the nitty gritty of all of the details. And as you guys can imagine, there are so many elements and pieces that have to be tied together with a little bow before we hand it off to construction.

And actually we'll describe it in a little bit to you all, everything that she does. We want to say she, she's like the concierge of it all. But things we'll be talking about today. Points we'll be touching on. We'll be talking about how we prep before it hands over to construction. We are talking about scopes and what it means to be the liaison between all parties involved in the construction process. We'll be talking about how materials work in coincide with plans and the construction slash contractors role in checking the feasibility of materials.

And we'll also be talking about the process for how clients purchase these items for their homes, and what's ever evolving and changing in the material world and how we direct and guide clients to ensuring their choices will lead to a smooth process. Okay. Without further ado.

Yeah. That. I mean, you, you said it in a nutshell, there was a lot there. We're excited to dive in.

Okay, so Ashley, we're so excited to have you on. Thank you for joining us.

I’m very excited.

Yay. Also hilarious because when you joined it was now two Ashleys. And so we never knew, I remember when you were first coming onto the team we’re like, how do we address every, how do we address the two Ashleys.


Anyways, it's fine now. But why don't you start out and tell us a little bit about yourself and what you kind of did leading up to your role in Simply Home.

Yes. So I am originally from San Marcus, Texas. I went to Texas State. And graduate with an interior design degree. I, that was the only degree or the only major I chose that was like, as soon as I found that there was design, somebody can study. I was like, that's it, I'm going to do it.

So I studied that, graduating with a Bachelor's in Design and a minor in business.

What was it called?

Admin. And so my first job out of college, my big girl job was, I'm in Austin at this design center slash flooring install company caught up in a design. And that was, I was there for like four years and I was in the new build side of construction.

So that was something I was like, well, I knew I wanted residential. I didn't want to go into commercial. But I, I liked it. I've built, new build was like something that was interesting to me. We got to like build a showroom. And that unmanaged like builders and like they'll have programs. And for them. And so, after that COVID came. And I was like, what should I do? Should I stay with like, new construction. Should I get into maybe of design aspect with like finishes or should I just do like something else? So I took a kind of like a nine month hiatus of like, okay, let me get my life together. Let's see if I, what direction I want to take in. Simply Home was an opportunity. And the, I think I was, it was like late in the year, it was like November 2021 and that was how y'all, we met each other. We got into each other's lives.

It was like dating.


We were knocking at your door.

Yeah. I was like, oh okay. I mean, but your background again is also in design and I loved that you had a well-rounded experience working with new builds, but then also studying design. That's not something that I can bring to the table. And so I was very excited for the opportunity and knowledge information then you are going to bring for our clients and really for me as well.

Yeah, seriously. Well, and I think before we dive into your role at Simply Home is so crucial. And so I guess if you want to talk a little bit about like your role specifically and what you do, I think that will help under, you know, people listening to understand, not only what you do, but like the importance of what you do.

Yes. So when I joined, I was like, what do I do? I was like, I'll figure it out. It's fine. So there was a portion where in the, in this planning phase, essentially, and we have the client and the scope. And so there's a bunch of materials involved where we have to kind of tell him, like, what do you like, this is what you need to buy. Like, these are the details. These are some like technical pieces.

And so there's this material sheet that we've created where it lists out basically like a shopping list of, for what clients can buy and the details associated to that. So that was part of my management was working with the client telling them, okay, what do you like? What's your style? What's your tastes, maybe shop at Party Barn, or maybe let's go to Floor and Decor. Just directing them of like where to go to navigate like their choices, because we weren't a designer. And that was the first thing that Ashley was saying is like, we're not designers. We're facilitators. So I had that in my mind, but I, and I was just telling them like, this is where you can go to shop. Not so much, like, oh, what do you like? What's your tastes like, what's your style?


So with the materials list, I wasn't helping them fill it out. And I would review everything and make sure everything made sense. And that was like feasible. And we would, I would also be in charge. This is going to be like a long list. Cause there was a lot that I did.

It really was, when you're looking back, you're like, wow.

I’m like, I needed to like take breath.

Cared of.

Let me read my whole job description. Ready?

Yeah, you said 30 minutes.


To chop it in half or a quarter, I would help manage their materials.I would work with vendors and our trades to get costs associated to their selections, into the scope. And so, I would compile all the information and have the cost, but then as well, help them have deadlines of when to select these materials.

And so that was always a challenge because some clients who didn't have a designer would have like, you would have to kind of like walk with them a little bit and like tell them, hey, let's maybe focus on tile or let's focus on plumbing. And so I'm trying to navigate the deadlines of them and then trying to navigate deadlines with trades and suppliers and getting information back with them. So that was pretty much all on my plate before it got into the construction team. So in my head, when I started, I envisioned that I would put everything on this platter with a nice book. And that's how I was telling the PM team, like this is, this is what I see my role. I don't know fully like exactly what I'm doing, but it sounds like I need to have everything wrapped up before y'all get handed this project and they're like, that sounds great. Let's do it. So I was trying to meet that the whole time.

You're like, no big deal. That's all I'm doing.

Yeah, no big deal. And so, yeah, just client communication you had to keep up with. You know, texting, calling your vendors and trades, meeting your own deadlines, meeting client deadlines. Maybe working with permits was another thing I had put on my, that was on my plate. And I'm just like coordinating and that's the, that was my role. My role name was sales coordinator when I started. Coordination is definitely the full core of what I do.



I will say, not everybody can do this role. It is a lot. And you, like you said, you have to juggle and maintain a lot of different people's schedules and you kind of have to be the ringleader. Just say like, hey, where are we on this? Like, you're coming up to your deadline. If we don't have this, we have to push your start date back.

It truly is an all encompassing role. And you have just to like toot your own horn. You've really defined that process so well for our team. And now it's like so lucrative to have this role filled and done well, because now we can see how good a project can be when it's set up really properly. So, you rock it.

Thank you.

And it's not easy. So.

It was fun.

Now that I know that I'm like, this was a lot for one person. So I was like, let’s divide it.


So that was nice. It was, I still love it.

And now we have a new, new person on the team helping you manage it. Ash, tell us about one thing you were talking about that, it just resonated with me so much because there's like a magic to managing client deadlines with materials and somewhat it's a somewhat customized process and that it kind of depends on the clients in there.

What do you, what am I trying to say? Like wherewithal and how much they can handle at one time based on how you break it up and have these conversations. And also how you give them deadlines.

Yeah. It's, it's, with materials, like clients are driven by different parts of everything in their scope. So clients can be driven by a tile selections and like customs. Like having that custom aid or they're driven by the color, or maybe they're driven by the budget. So it was about like, trying to navigate on like, where should we start? What are you, what is what makes you most excited? And then going from there to give them those breakout deadlines. And it was definitely, people, I've clients have told us time and time again, give me deadlines. I need them. So like any time we could, set those and they would follow, but you know, things kind of get lost as, you know, we progress because this is about like two months of like planning and making selections and like, building your project.

So we would have, you know, check-ins with them just to feel okay. How far are you with this? Okay, let's focus on this next part. So. Yes, it was definitely deadlines are very, like, they're constantly changing, but they definitely need to be set.

Yeah. That's huge. I mean, with anybody, but yeah, especially with clients because like we have such a set process of when we can start projects. And we want them to start. We want to keep projects going, but you have to have all your material in. So I think, yeah, that's a huge part of it for sure.

And I think what sets us apart from other GCs is that we ask for, and this is, often into my sense, this is what we asked for is to have all materials selected and ordered by the time we start. And I think we're trying, that's the wall we're trying to break with GCs because we've had instances with like, clans are like, oh, it's just bath hardware. Like we can order that later, but we, are we like to talk about this from the beginning of like, we're different from other GCs. We want to have all this ready because this is how we can control like any hiccups or any like, what's the word?


Delays. Yeah. So like we can't predict what's going to be behind your walls, but we can definitely control and manage what these materials.


And so that is something that I really liked to harp on. And like we say this from the beginning with clients. So it's like, starts to resonate more with them. But it's, in the end, they don't in the beginning, I feel like it's like, why? Like they're a little bit questioning. But then, then the end, or when they're prepping over to the construction phase they’re like, oh, I see why. So it's always that like click. Yeah. So it's nice that we have that as our standard.


And I think it works a lot.


Would you say those, would you say clients typically follow or like start to get the hang of this earlier on? And would you say that, I mean those little deadlines can add up really quickly if you're not, if the clients are not meeting them?


Cause then they delay the project and you other issues.

Yes. There's just so much communication we have with clients because we're very like, you know, we're, we're their partners, so we are letting them know, but they're like, you know, no, let me just burn my hand, like, you know, on the stove when you tell them not to.


So it's like, it's just, we communicate with them and you know, we say like, if we, if we can't have this ordered and ready in time, then this can potentially delay your start date. And so if that's what they're motivated by then that helps.


But they're motivated by the materials, like custom orders and it's like, okay, then they want to make sure they have they're custom order, their custom item, like finalize and you know, completed before, you know, that will dictate the start date.

I think you make a really good point for clients who come in, you know, if you're looking to start a remodel project, what makes your job easier is our client coming in knowing what they want.

And you can still, like, you're still making decisions with your designer. You're still going through that process. But understanding what you just said, is timeline the most important for you. Do you have a hard deadline or you have to be starting in by. Or have you dreamt about this title that's coming from Italy and it's going to take like 15 weeks to get in. Right? So if that's the case, that's okay. But like kind of know where you, the client like is prioritizing, because then that can help us set up the client for success to. To saY, okay, i timeline is super important for you, then maybe we don't consider that tile from Italy. Let's look at something that's more in stock, so we can, you can really help direct them in that way.

Yes. And that's something that the salesperson, perhaps for us as for the hurt, the team. And we asked what their motive is so we have a selection of like budget, timeline, material or process. So sometimes clients come with us come to, or sign with us because they like our process. They like our details. They like, you know, they like our presentation. So we, we use those to help kind of frame out how we're gonna approach the client.


And so, yeah, I think it's a really vital small detail that, that's it that we need to know.

You see what I did there?

Yeah. Yeah. There's a lot of little details. So yeah, that's a really important question to help us know what to expect.


And then how do you think so, okay, looking at the material sheet in your new client. You know, how, how would you best say to navigate what's coming at them and how you're guiding them?

Well, I've done it different ways. Everyone reacts to different methods. But, I'll usually say like what's first important is like any plumbing. And if that's like something that they're, they're fine choosing first, but they're not really material focus, plumbing and tile I guess would be the first. So I would highlight those sections. Because it's a, this materials list is something that the clients fill in. And I help with like, just making sure that the things are, the details are filled in of like their links of where they're buying this product. And I will provide like how many parts or how many, the quantity of that material. So that just wearable I'll highlight. We'll talk about it in like in a meeting, but then I'll highlight the materials lists of like, okay, this is first priority. First round of orders and first round of selections. And then you can do like a second half. So.


That's that. That is a strategy that actually is brought to the table that I think has been really helpful for clients instead of being so overloaded by everything that needs to be ordered. It's like, let's do this in little bites and little segments.

Yeah. I can't even imagine what it was like before we had your role, because I'm sure that was super overwhelming to see there are so many materials that go into a project and you really hold their hand to say here's what's priority. Here's what I can help you with. And it's such a vital part of the process that it's nice when someone can hold your hand through it. So I think you do that really well.

Thank you.

I know there's a lot of ways that we are visually describing your role, but I was trying to think back to previously when I would describe it as the bus driver.


And the salesperson is more of the tour guide and they're like, well they'll be here and look at this. Then ha-ha-ha with the microphone. Right? And they were like, doing all that. But meanwhile, Ashley is like, you know, driving that bus to the starting line.

Yeah. Yeah, I always, I always clunked that too when I started, but then I'm like, I'm the wheels. I'm not even the bus. I'm the wheels because I'm what keeps the project moving.


There's people in there in the bus. It was just like, I was more of the action person. So I would just like, okay, let's get things going. Like, I need this from you. I need that from you. I need to tie this all together. So it was just like, it just felt like it was just always in motion.

There's so many elements that clients don't realize there's a lot of back and forth, and that's the whole point of a concierge companies that it's, you're not seeing all of that, but, but it's happening.

Yeah. It’s happening very much.

You really are ringleader like ringleader to the designer, to the client, to the vendor, to the material. I mean, it's, it's yeah. You're really dictating this project for sure.

Yeah. And it's absolutely necessary to have this role or this focus because it's, because of how we've set ourselves apart. I really think this is a customized position. Like I mean, I don't know other GCs, but from what I've gone from just our, my coworkers or you guys like, it's just, it's a customized role.


For our, for our process. And so it's just, it's just important. It really does help us prep for everything else.

I’m laughing because you're right. Like we try to imagine what are other roles like this on the market? I'm like, well we just customize ours so much that it's just very specific to Simply Home, which I really like, you know? Cause we're not a normal GC company. We're very different, but it is hilarious because we're just like, we're going to make it this role and we're going to create that. And it's fun.

Okay. What do you think with all of the material that you see clients bringing in, you know, on a daily basis or with every new project is a different material. What do you think is something new you're seeing come across in the material world in regards to like construction and what we're installing?

Well, there was a first thing that kinda came up both like a grout, like a tile, what does it call it? When instead of a tile trim?


Yeah, they wanted it to paint it. Like they didn't want, designer didn’t want a tile trim or tile Schluter , like a metal piece or a matching tile piece on the side. They just want it to be like, like cleanly painted. So that was something new. There's I mean, I think Schluter and tile trim, both go in different directions style-wise but like cleanest or simplest where it does not associate to anything, there's no identity.


It was just like painting the edge.


Well that was interesting.


Preferences change.



Yeah. For those who don't know, Schluter is metal edging that basically covers the edge of your tile in a shower. Mostly a shower. It could also be a backsplash. So you don't see the rough part of the tile.

What would be a material that most people don't think about bbut is super necessary to order? For example, Schluter might be one we just talked about with edging, but is there anything else that's like smaller or even bigger that people don't think about, but it's like super necessary?

Grout. Grout is like so common. And it's funny, cause like we take them to tile or not, and we don't take them, but we let them go to like tile places to shop and like make their selections, but then grout is not picked with the tile. And when in my previous job we were a design center, so they had to pick out their bathroom and their backsplash. And like we had the tiles laid out on the table and then we would like, okay, at the end, let's pick your grill or maybe let's make a second design appointment cause grout can be like, you're in a decision fatigue with all of these selections for your home. So in that in either the first or second, and then I probably would pick ground and we would bump it up a stick, a grout stick to your tile and we would pick and be like, if you go more white to a gray, then you're going to see more of a contrast. But if you go more gray to your grade, then it blends in. So what do you like, what do you want? And that's like something that's I’m like, what? Why is that missed?

Like how is it that a tile store doesn't put grout next to the tile. They go hand in hand. You can't have one without the other,



It is totally astounding.

Yeah. And so now we have a grout pack on site. So when we go to the client's house, we just have them pick the grout in their house, which is exactly what the space you actually want to see the grout and the tile with or at, and so, yeah. Now we just like pick, pick with them.

I was kind of thinking on educating clients, you know, what the, I imagine people come in with different levels of experience and understanding of materials. And what do you feel like you always have to educate clients on other than like grout?

Countertops or their windows or.

Yeah. Windows have lots of options.

Yeah. That's why it's really nice to have like your connections, your relationships with, with your vendors and suppliers. Because then they get to have the clients have opportunity to have like all exposure of information for that material. So it's like, we give them that map of like, okay, if you were looking for a custom window or like a really large sliding door, you know, these are the features we'll let, like send you to one of our reps. And so countertops is definitely one that does need some education with clients on about like, do you want natural or manmade? Here are some showrooms. You definitely want to see these visuals because of the veining. Like there's just, and sometimes that can lead the design. Like the countertop is just like, so grandiose, like you're just, you're like, I love this so much. Like let's work off of it, but you need to make sure you have the, the slab, actual slabs on hold and like put a deposit down. Like there's just a lot of factors into that.

But countertops have edging styles. They have overhang measures. They have, if you want on your backsplash. Vein matching. So there's maintenance too. So letting them know, like, okay, if you choose an actual countertop, there is some sealant to be involved with this isn't. This is something we can do now, but you'll have to keep up with it, like throughout the months. But yeah, we always try to give them the pros and cons for each material type and you know, let them make that decision.

Yeah. It's like, I'm educating them too with a natural stone in a wet space. Like, so marble, somebody wants like a full marble shower, which we'd done. But then you have to educate to say like, okay, marble is going to yellow. It's going to turn, it's going to oxidize. So, this is what it's going to look like over time in a wet space. And so it's like, are you okay with that? But some people are. Cause they love marble.

I think another big one. I mean, you would see this more than I would but we were seeing a lot more smart appliances or like smart technology being installed in homes which takes a whole different trade. I mean, it doesn't, a lot of typical traits that you would work with an installing and normal appliance or normal light fixture may not necessarily work with a smart light fixture, smart appliance. So it's a whole new thing that you were having to learn, which is kind of the ever evolving world of materials. So, I don't know if you've seen that too with like clients saying, like, I wanna install smart stuff in my house.

I don't know. Actually, I haven't seen it often, maybe once. But even then, I don't.




So yes. I think, I think we've kind of hit on some really good points for clients to consider. Is there anything that you would tell future clients? That you would recommend them, like, do you wish that they just knew going into the process or maybe like a fear that they have that you really wish, okay, just trust me on this. We've got this. Like, is there something you kind of see across the board of that?

Just look at so many inspiration photos. You know, and when you look at them, stick to them.

I knew you were gonna say this.


You had a client recently changed her mind so many times.


Which is okay. I will say it's okay to do, just do it before you make the calls to your general contractor, to your designer. Like you can change your mind, but when you get to the point of making decisions and ordering materials, you really need to know what you want.

Yeah. And it's really knowing if like, if a client doesn't want a designer, it really is honing in on like, okay, can they make these decisions without them.


You know, cause it's like, we just had this conversation the other day about like, with, with designer's day, like help navigate you and they like tell you, like, this is what you should pick within your range of like your style, your tastes, your budget. But with the clients are like, oh, I have free range. And like, we're again, we're not designers. We're GC. So it's like, we just like, okay, let's can you, can you make your, can you bid it out to be this way? And then the client's like, no, let's change it to something else. So it's really like, hone in on like what you like. And when you have those inspiration photos, like just finalize them, I guess. That's like really the first step. Finalize your inspiration photos, what you're wanting, and then we can start building off of that.

And it just delays their whole project. I mean, we can't start until they know what they want and then it takes time to get that pricing from the vendor and to get that material from the vendor. So all in all, yes, if you are decisive going into this process, then we can just start your project all that much more sooner.

It really does make a difference from the whole process. Not having to go back and forth and then on the other level, it can create confusion because if you change your mind, three to four times on something, no matter how we've documented it. It risks human error of like, oh, well that one time you said that you wanted that. You know, and so if we keep changing your mind, it just continues to like up that risk that something is not going to get updated somewhere. So having your mind made up is just important to the overall process.

Okay. Should we jump into our different sections of questions?

Yeah, let's do it.

Okay. So the first sections of questions are more about Simply Home.


All right. So what has been your favorite project that you've worked on so far?

I would say the fireplace and more like the designer set it up really well. She had like really good drawings. The design was like so beautiful. The details of those designs were like, spot on. It was like doing like half my job. I was like, oh, I just need to execute this. Great. The presentation was very, was just well-rounded. And yeah, those, it was really a pretty project.

And it did look so pretty.

Such a pretty project. So if people are curious what this looks like, it is on our Instagram and it is stunning how it came out.

What is your favorite part of working at Simply Home?

I would say just like, like the flexibility, like the energy. It's just like calm. It's not like the pressure's low, like, and I would say this coming from like, a different working environment. So like, this was like just my own, obviously my own take on it. But like, it's just like, nothing has to be rushed all the time. Like yeah, sure, we, we have deadlines and things, but it doesn't need to be a stressful thing. You know.


And so I think that's what I like about Simply Home is just that everyone understands that we all have lives. There's a balance there. They definitely speak it and act on that. Like you do have a work-life balance and that does need to be a priority and not have it way more on like work. And so. Yeah, I just, that would probably be on like a mental health standpoint. Like that's I, and that's like one of my favorite ones.

I love that.

That's a great one.

That's a great answer.

Yeah. You’re welcome.

Thank you.

What is one thing you wish all clients knew going into this process?

To trust us. That we got it. That anything that we're asking and setting deadlines for is to create a seamless project experience and that you communicate with us as much as we can make you with you. And yeah.

It's a really good point.

Be a team.

And because we've done this so many times before, so we kind of know what we're doing.


Yeah. Just try us.


Like mostly we know everything.


Yes, trust.


All right. What's been a worst case scenario you've seen if clients don't have all material ready or selected?

When it comes to like, what we start off first with is like, rough ins or especially plumbing, I think is really where that delay happens because shortly after demos, plumbing and framing, which can happen within like two or three weeks after our start dates. So that's, that's been the worst cases with like a tub's not in, or it's cracked, and you have to take it back. That's just been the delay cause those have to, depending on the layout. Things have to be framed around it. So that can, you want to have that product in or that material in in order to kind of work around everything else.


So, yeah. Worst case scenario, it was just like any plumbing related fixtures.



Yeah. Delays in general, just, yeah. Those can get you.

Because everything leads to something else.


Like we have to have this to get to this in construction. You can’t just keep moving without it.

Okay. Fun questions.

All right.


Ash L, what's the best kept secret in Austin, Texas?

Well, Michelle. It is, don't tell anyone, but on North Lamar, there's a Whole Foods right there and they have like an underground parking garage. Well, you can park there for free.

Ah. So you can park there for free.

Yes, so you can park there for free and like, roam any air like, roam that area if you need to, like walk just two blocks like I've parked there to go to the public library.


And like no one…

So you won't get towed.

What is a hidden talent of yours?

Okay so, when Covid hit, I started going to state cells and I started buying things that were kind of weird but then like cool in my opinion and then I would touch something, like kind of tweak it. And I flipped it for like double the cost.

That was so cool.

And I was like, oh, let me just do this side hustle, like flipping vintage decor.


And people will totally pay for that good money because it’s like a one of a kind. They’re never going to find it again.


And Ashley has a knife.

Yeah. I have a knife.

Flip some stuff for me.

Yeah. We’re like who gets paid? Me or you?


Ooh, it's a question?



Basically how much you get paid.


That'd be like, very funny with our clients. We were going to flip your kitchen, who gets paid? Me or you?


It's like, like me.

Okay, out of all the office supplies, what would be your favorite item?

So it’s definitely like, I think I consider it an office but I don't, but it's like, what do they call it? A gem?

Like a crystal?

A quartz?

The quartz. There it is. Yeah. I think that's necessary to have in your office.

On your desk.

Yeah. Work from home office.

That's such an Austin thing to say.

It really is.

Yeah. You know, keep the energy.


I like it.


What about cats? They’re not part of your office?

Well I read, I read Leroy, Leroy to my cat to give me good luck for this podcast.


So I think it’s working out well.

It worked.

Leroy. Thank you, Leroy.

I have to have a crystal and a cat.

A black cat.

Yeah, a black cat.

A black cat.

Oh my gosh.

Perfect for halloween.

All right last but not the least, what is something positive in the media world you've seen lately?

Yes, okay on top of this quartz that I have, there's a park, peace park Downtown that offers sound baths and a treehouse.


And they're free. You just sign up and like, lay out on the lawn and you listen to a sound bath. Either in the treehouse or just like, nearby.

Wait, I need to go.

Is it with Cynthia, the girl that did our sound bath?

I don't know. There's so many, I think ATX Yoga girl.

Yep. That’s her.

Oh, it’s her.


Wait, we should totally go back.

I know.

We did a team sound bath and it was amazing. I loved it.

It really was a bath for your ears and mind.


Yeah. That was it.

They don't actually claim your ears but you hear it.

It gets in your mind.


Yeah, So it's nice that there's a bunch of free like, things for your health.


Spiritually, mentally, physically, here in Austin. Like there's so many, there's an app for it.

So you just park at Whole Foods down tomorrow and you walk over here at sound bath.

You know actually peace park has a group free garage across the street. I don't know what the address is but they're like you know if you can't find parking at the park, there's a garage at your, park app.

You know I did not know this.

Saved it on my Instagram so I can send it to you.

Yes please because I'm always rustling for parking over there.

Yeah. Yeah.

Okay. Oh that was amazing. Thank you for your time and for joining us today. I think we really kind of touched the surface but I think you did a good job of high level explaining the importance of your role when a client comes to you, they better be ready to go.

Yup. Part one.

Oh, Ashley’s dot dot doting for a part two.

Closed fingers.

Okay and that's a wrap.

Thanks Ash.

You’re welcome.