The World of CAD

Today we're talking to Solveig Haugland, our skilled CAD Designer and Office Coordinator at Simply Home, who's here to explain the intricacies of CAD (Computer-Aided Design). Join us as we delve into the CAD details, exploring the design process, understanding the role of a CAD designer, and uncovering our checklists and permitting procedures.

Solveig shares everything you need to know to craft a successful CAD plan for your projects. You will learn the significance of CAD, why Simply Home integrates it into our operations, and what it takes to initiate CAD with a client.

This Episode Will Cover: 

• How Solveig got involved in CAD.
• The story of Solveig and how she started with Simply Home.
• What CAD stands for.
• Why Simply Home needed CAD.
• The importance of CAD.
• What goes into reviewing someone's plans.
• When you need to have CAD.

Learn More About Ashley, Michelle, & Simply Home: 
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• Instagram: @simplyhomeaustin
• Facebook: @simplyhomeaustin
Episode Transcript

This is the Simply Home Podcast - Ladies Who Build, a podcast for women by women.

This is Ashley Wainscott and Michelle Mullins.

After spending the last 10 years revolutionizing the construction industry and raising the bar of the contracting world.

We are inviting you on our journey as we continuously learn how to be extraordinary and thrive in this industry.

Now, come hang with us.

Welcome to Episode 19, the world of CAD. We are ecstatic to be here with Solveig to get into all the CAD details and really dive into the nitty gritty of everything CAD.

So we're going to be talking about the process of CAD. What it's like to be a CAD designer. Our CAD checklists and our process. Permitting related to CAD and then everything you'd consider when you need to build a successful CAD plan for a project.

Okay, so we're going to kick this off with Solveig. Solveig’s going to talk a little bit about herself and how she found us, how we found her, our romance story. And our love story. Maybe I shouldn't say romance. I mean, I think it's love.

It’s a little bit of a romance.

I think it's love.

It’s a relationship.


We’re dating.

And yeah, We, we want to hear all about you Solveig. So tell us about how you got started in this, your background, and let's go.

Well, I was an interior design student at Texas State. I moved to Texas in 2019, I'm originally from Chicago and decided to transfer because Texas State has a really great interior design program.

When I was in school, I really liked doing CAD work a lot. I would spend just hours in the computer lab, maybe more so than should be spent in the computer lab. Yeah, I would bring lunch, dinner. I would just be in there all day. I really liked it a lot. I really enjoy tutoring other students as well. I’ve always enjoyed being a mentor and just everything about CAD I just really enjoyed. So I knew that was really what I wanted to do.

I ended up taking a break from Texas State for a bit, and I decided to focus more on my CAD education. So I ended up going to ACC to get my certification and AutoCAD drafting. And from there, I started working for a startup cabinetry company. That didn't end up working out. So that's what I found Simply Home on LinkedIn and the rest is history.

You found us on LinkedIn.

I found you guys on LinkedIn.


LinkedIn works.

LinkedIn works. If you guys didn't know, LinkedIn works.

Yes. Yeah. So, okay. Why don't you tell people what CAD is first of all?

So CAD stands for computer automated design. I specifically work with the software AutoCAD. There's many different softwares and computer aided designers. Obviously AutoCAD, and then you have Rabbit, SketchUp. Just, there's so many different types of CAD software, but I specialize specifically in AutoCAD.

And it's a 2D drawing platform. You can do 3D design and AutoCAD, but it's specifically more catered to 2D design. And it's used for all types of technical drawings. So you can work in civil engineering, electrical engineering, and then architecture, which is what I use it for.

And why did you pick AutoCAD? Was that what the school preferred when they taught the classes? Did they use AutoCAD?

Oh yeah. In school we were trained in AutoCAD. That's what I was proficient in. So that's what I ended up choosing.

I remember when we first interviewed you, I mean, beyond why we needed CAD was, there was a lot of reasons but, one of the important parts of our interview process is making sure that team members are a good culture fit. So it's one thing to have a skill or it's one thing to know construction, but are you a culture fit?

So I remember when we first met. I got off the phone and with our other partner at the time. And I thought, oh my gosh, I love her. And we need to figure out how to get her. Whatever she needs, let's make it happen. And so you were just, you, we were just, it just clicked. And so are you that you would make a really great addition to the team. So it was great.

I really fell on the sound energy from you guys. Like I really felt like it was going to be a great fit. I really love the company culture. I'm just so lucky to be here and I'm very grateful.

Well, you have to say that right now.

I know I have to say that but…

Thank you.

We didn't make Solveig said that. Let the record be known. She said it on her own.

She is not forced.

I'm saying this on my own prerogative.

Yes. Thank you. I couldn't think of the word I was like on her own. Period.

It's coming from the heart.

The end. We can just end the episode there.

And that's it.

That's all we need to know. I think that you should talk about why we did need CAD.

Well, that's a good point. You know, I think about before we had you a part of the team and one of the biggest things, you know, within a company, as you grow, you start to find out what, what else you need or what other services you need to start providing. And when we started getting more and more projects that became more detailed, we found ourselves having to outsource for drawings because we realized the outcome of having a drawing for the project management team versus not having a drawing that they could go off of was transformational.

And those projects ended up being way more successful and easier for the PM Team. But we, it was also very expensive to consistently outsource and when you're outsourcing, you're waiting on their timeframe. So we would be waiting, gosh, weeks and weeks to get back a first draft of something. And then heaven forbid, the client or us or the designer wanted to change something.

So then that's another couple of weeks that we have to wait. It was an easy thorn that we realized we needed to solve quickly. And so we, it was almost a trial. We thought, should we just do this in house? What would it look like? Would they even have enough to sustain keeping busy? And that trial was flourished, obviously.

And we realized as soon as you got in the role of it, how necessary that was to bring you on. It's like, I can't even imagine doing this company again without not having this role.

Yeah, I can’t imagine you guys not having CAD. I mean, I can say that because it's my job. No, I think that's why it's so important to have CAD internally because of those timelines, especially. And having to outsource cabinets, having to wait on responses for, I don't even know how long that would take if I'm just thinking about all the revisions that I have to do based on client feedback, based on the signer feedback, based on vendor feedback. And how many rounds of revisions there are sometimes for certain projects that just, wow. Yeah.

I know. I can’t imagine.

I think it’s absolutely necessary.

Yeah. And now that you are, this role is so integrated in everything on the sales and planning side. When I think back to when we did outsource it, it was, they weren't integrated. Like they weren't on our Monday jobs meetings where we're talking all about the job and we can talk about plans and revisions and the client wants to make changes. It was more like a back and forth email or a phone conversation, and then we'd have to update them along the way.

And then that would push things back and we had different CAD designers for different projects. So then we had to keep up with who was on what project. It was just a lot.

Right. I think that's another thing that makes having internal CAD really special too, is I think it helps strengthen the relationships with the clients as well.


Because there is a lot of communication that I have with the clients, which I wasn't expecting. It was kind of a pleasant surprise when I was brought on. I didn't realize that I would be like, talking with clients, having meetings with them. I thought I was kind of just going to be in the shadows.

Get out of there.

I was like, that's not where I'm supposed to be. So…

You’re like, put me in this spotlight. I'm ready.

Yeah. I'm ready. So, yeah, I think that's something that's really special is just having to build those relationships with clients. And just having those connections is really nice too. And just having that direct communication is really important.

Yeah. I mean, you truly are bringing the vision to life where we can all talk about it and design and envision it and they, but you know, so we can all have this idea. But you make it come to life. And so you're ,you present them to say, this is what we talked about. This is where we're going to put this wall.

And so they're like, oh my gosh. Wow, this isn't, this is amazing. Yes. You know? And so. It's cool because it kind of becomes more concrete at that point.

Yeah, absolutely.

Solveig, will you talk about the different elements of CAD, as far as I'm thinking about the gaps specifically where like each designer or architect we work with comes with different set of plans and we, and we have our own expectations for what plans need to look like before we pass it along to the construction side. So if you'll talk about like, the different elements involved with, you know, reviewing someone's plans or subsidizing somebody's plans that are only like half completed or half of what we need. Things like these.

Working with designers and architects is full of surprises sometimes. And I think that it's really great that we're able to communicate expectations early on in our process with them. And it's really important because then if we ask them early on, if they're able to meet these expectations, if they're not, then we're able to fit that into our schedule to work on the projects that need drawings. Because sometimes designers don't have that experience with construction drawings.

They're able to complete beautiful renderings but we're really needing solid construction plans with the mentions and, you know, plans that are up to code with electrical, plumbing, everything. So, I think that there's designers that are able to fulfill all those expectations and then there's designers that just need a little bit of guidance here and there, which is where I come in as the gatekeeper of the CAD plans. And then there's designers that just don't do plans at all and so that will fall onto me. And that's just something that is communicated early on in our process.

Which dictates. you know, the flow and the timeline and how we do things.


I mean and quantities. No matter if they give us plans, we're, in the industry, we are still responsible for quantities.


Quantities, take off. So, yes, it is important. That's a good point for designers if they are doing plans to provide us with their DWG file, which is the drawing file that we work with an AutoCAD. So that I'm able to pull it up in my software and get those takeoffs and dimensions that we need.

Okay. So if I am a client coming in to this process, do I need CAD? So what specific projects do you say, yes, this is a requirement or maybe not.

I would say 90% of the time, you will need CAD for a project. I think the only instances where you wouldn't need CAD is if they're really just going to be cosmetic changes, like changing outdoor fronts, cabinets, changing out hardware, electrical potentially that's staying in the exact same location. So CAD is really needed for any time.

Any layout is going to change or you're changing out cabinetry. Like multiple electrical fixtures, just if you're really doing a lot of updates, it's when you'll need CAD.

Yeah. Okay. So basically everybody.

Pretty much everybody.

So when in doubt, get CAD.

And elevations, which we always struggled with early on is knowing when you need elevations and when you don't and now we have a clear determining list, you know, and even something as little as backsplash. You know, knowing where it starts and stops, knowing the design layout, how things are finished around certain areas like a window, or if there's a certain pattern somewhere.

Elevations are super important. I, I don't think that you can really do a full construction project without them. If you're only given a floor plan, it’s only given one point of view, you know, you're not seeing what's going on on the walls. You don't know what height mirrors or you know, like you said, backsplash, certain electrical fixtures are going to be without those elevations.

So the point of them is to show different heights of different elements. So super important for cabinetry as well.

Yeah, that's a good point.

That's a good point.

Wow. Who are we?

The same person. I was going to ask too, cause you have floor plans, but then you have elevations, which some people listening may know the difference, but what's the difference?

So floor plans are a point of view, like imagine a bird's eye point of view. That's what you're looking at when you're looking at a floor plan. So it's going to show everything that's really happening on the floor. But then you have reflective plans, which show electrical plans, what's going on in the ceiling as well. And that elevations are what is shown on the walls. So it's kind of like a 3D perspective on 2D planes is how I like to describe it.

Yeah, that's a good point.

Like you're standing there. Looking at it.


I mean, I, and it's so funny now that I think about all the trips that people, even our vendors always, I mean, I, I honestly don't know what we did without our CAD drawings. Like how did we do? I mean, we just made it happen, but it's just funny because they all need that as a reference point.

And if they don't have it, they're immediately, where’s the drawings, where’s the CAD? You know, so it's just crazy.

It took us longer because we'd have to stop and be like, yeah, what do you want here? We didn't figure this out. And rather than thinking it through before we got started…


Which makes sense. We would get started and then have to stop and make all these decisions along the way. And that process was thick.


Having floor plans and elevations, I think, is really important just to capture all the details. So like you said, nothing is left. Like nobody's left wondering, oh wait, like what were we going to do here? Like when we want to wait for last minute decisions.


It's on the plans.


Okay. So one question I was thinking about, and I don't know if CAD, in what ways it would be transformed, but. in your opinion, what, in what ways would you like to see CAD be transformed in the next 10 years?

That was a good question. I've thought about this a lot, not in terms of AutoCAD specifically, but in terms of CAD software and what I would really like to see. So currently, we're using the software called Canvas, which uses a LIDAR camera software to capture measurements and dimensions of the 3D space.

So we go in to our client's homes to capture the dimensions of their existing layouts so that we're able to produce as-built floor plans. But with Canvas comes certain limitations. So with Canvas, we're not able to capture, for example, full exterior home dimensions because the distance for Canvas to be able to capture that information, as I think about 4 to 12 feet. So it caps at 12 feet and won't capture anything above that.

So I've been thinking, well, I also don't know if there's a software out there currently that has those capabilities that would be able to capture that information. But if there's not, it would be really great so that we're able to capture that information and do more exterior work.


I didn't realize that.


Also what happens if we go into a house that has taller ceilings than 12? Like what if they've a really large vaulted living room.


Hmm. I guess, let’s find out. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. That’s our next hurdle.

We're going to be dragging a giant like laser measure ladder across the room.

Oh my gosh. Yeah, that's a good point. Okay. So that's a good advancement. Anything else?

For laser tape measures to be more accurate.


Oh, are they not?

They're pretty accurate, but I just really trust my old fashioned tape measure.

Yeah, I know. Like a good old tape measure.

Yeah. The OG.


The sound. Catching your finger in it sometimes.

Cutting yourself on the hard metal.

Yeah, something about it.

You have to.

So what, what's the process like when you're starting off CAD with the client?

So CAD is really the first step in our process with any client. And with that, we start with our kickoff meeting where we're really just introducing everyone that's going to be on the sales team with them. From there, we will have the CAD on site where I go on site and I get the measurements that I need to produce their as-built floor plans.

From there, I produce those as-built for plans, and then we have an as-built review meeting with the client. So on that meeting, we'll have the salesperson on there just to compare notes to the preliminary estimate. And on there, I'm able to provide a visual aid for our clients to just be able to talk more details about layout and stuff like that.

So, we'll hop on a call. I'll share my screen and show them the floor plan and the existing space. And there's actually quite a lot of details that, you know, weren't thought of by the client or perhaps the designer. If they have a designer when we're looking at those plans, for example, like if we're working on a primary bath, there's maybe an outlet off to one space and I suggest adding another one. And they’re like, I didn't even think about that.

You're welcome.

I'm like, you're welcome.

You're going to want that.

You're going to want that.

I just changed your life, right?


So there's a lot of details that we captured in that meeting and from there, I’m able to produce their proposed floor plans, which is their official first draft because that will give me all the information I need to be able to do that. And after their proposed floor plan and elevations comes the revision phase. So if there's details that they're still trying to hash out with a designer, or they just aren't able to decide on until they see that first draft, that's, at that point is when they are able to submit a request for revisions.

And that’s it.

And then they get their final set.

That's pretty much it.



And they get one round of revision.

And that's a, yeah, sometimes there's multiple revision phases. But ultimately, we try to get approved plans in time for the preparatory onsite, which is where we bring our vendors on site to compare plans, to scope of work, where we're able to build out their work.

And that's when things can change on our side. Like that's when we allow revisions internally, just not client changes to scope of work. Because at that point, the client needs to have scope of work nailed down because…


We're coming onsite with all of our vendors with a final scope of work list. And if the client changes anything from that meeting, then things can get confusing.

So anything plan related, what has come up before from vendor on sites like electrical things, moving. Because maybe things can't get done in the same spots we thought or.

It's mainly, electrical work. I think I've run into with vendors before. It’s been more of a rare instance where something will have to change after the preparatory on site, because it's something that I'm able to keep in mind for the next project. But before, yeah, it's mostly been just electrical work. Sometimes if we're reframing a wall or adding a door, somewhere then, the, let us know if we can or can't do that or what needs to shift in order for that to happen.

And that's the other piece of this process is the structural engineer when we're working with the designer, not an architect because they do that much earlier in the process.

But when we're working with the designer, Solveig start to work with the structural engineer. Initially to go do the canvas scan and start this process so that the structural engineer can kick off their process. Do you want to talk a little bit about that too?

Yeah. So, after we have our kickoff meeting, if we're needing a structural engineer for that project, and so this is where we would meet a structural engineer would be if a layout is changing in terms of walls, shifting, adding or removing walls is really when we're going to want a structural engineer to come out. So we have them come out and look at the existing framing if they're able to get into the attic. And from there, they're able to write us some notes about what needs to happen in order for the layout to change or I'm able to produce a proposed drawings for them. Sometimes they will need drawings to work off of. So that they can mark on those times. And for permitting, sometimes that's necessary for them to mark up those drawings so that is an instance where I would provide those drawings.

So, okay, but you touched on a good point with permitting. Is there something, is there a process you have to follow that is specific to permit in city guidelines versus client desires when somebody don't need to pull permits and you just do it mock up drawing, like, is there a difference between that?

I think there is a difference. I make sure that all my drawings, whether they're permitted or not, or up to permitting standards, but some things to keep in mind for plans when permitting, you just really need to make sure everything's in line with code. And there are certain things that need to be shown on drawings. For example, if there are any smoke detector associated to be present. Just small code, things like that, you know.

The fun stuff.

But there is actually a really great resource on the city of Austin website that shows examples of what permitted plans should look like.

Okay. What excites you about new projects?

I really like talking with the clients about their vision. And I think it's really fine to be able to help bring that vision to life. So talking through all the little details is kind of my jam. So being able to have those meetings is really great because that's, that's what really excites me, is talking about the details and working through those and, you know, just seeing the client's eyes light up and I'm getting excited about the project and, yeah, that's what really excites me, I think.

Yeah, it is really kind of not staged because they are excited and you've seen so many different, different types of projects. So like you were saying earlier, is you can get recommendations of, hey, I think that you might want an outlet. Or, hey, I think that that wall might be better shorter versus long. You know, so I think it's nice that you can come with a lot more experience for them and to kind of show like, well, if you're going to use this space a lot, let's talk about that functionality and you know, it’s fun.

Yeah, absolutely.

And people can visualize it. A lot of people struggle with visualizing their space in a different way.

Being able to help a client visualize their space a bit better I think is really rewarding.



And they wanna do it.

That’s how I see it.

Oh yes.

Okay, I get it. Now, I'll make it happen.


Now. Do it, do it, do it.


Okay. What has been the hardest thing for you with like, if this is specific project or something that you've had to draw, that was just really challenging?

Hm, I'd say in the past year, a project that was challenging but what is also coincidentally, my favorite project to work on was a full home project. It was built in the 1950s. And it had a lot of very strange angular walls, that were very, there's a lot of narrow hallways and such. So we were trying to just rebuild the entire layout. And that was tricky in the sense of things they wanted to happen in the primary bathroom with a laundry closet and the kitchen.

So I think any time there is a lot of trying to make everything work in a space it's very challenging, but also the part of the job that I really liked the most. It's really kind of like a jigsaw puzzle.

That's what I was just thinking of. We are solving a puzzle.

And I love puzzles.


That just explains why you love CAD.

So if somebody wanted to know if they were going to be good at CAD, they just have to like puzzles.

You just have to like puzzles.

Period. I mean, that's it.

And be good at Math.

Wow. Also that.

And patient.


You will learn a lot about yourself working in CAD. When I first started working in CAD, I would get super caught up in super minuscule, detailed things that just, I don't want to say they weren't worth my time, but there was a bigger picture to look at that I wasn't quite seeing. So it's really easy to get caught up in the details. So I want to say be detail oriented. But also, you have to have the bigger picture in mind,


As well.


I could see that. I know you like your plans to be perfect.

Yeah. Being a perfectionist is hard.

Don't be a perfectionist.

Don't be a perfectionist, but also be a little bit of a perfectionist.

Just a tiny bit.

I mean, and it's also interesting in the role too, that you are behind the scenes quite a bit, working with CAD. But then you're also client facing and team facing. So it's, you know, it's a mix of things.

The clients do not see my dirty work.

No, they do not. They see the pretty work.

They see the pretty, polished, and clean product.

I learned so much just by watching what you do a few times, like how you set up your templates or your simple...




So blocks and CAD are little symbols that you can create and then copy and paste into your drawings. And you can scale them depending on the scale of the drawing.

They're super useful and time-saving. So there’s actually a project I'm working on right now. It's an internal project I'm working on my own CAD library that I will use in all of my drawings. And so I can just pull straight from there instead of, you know, if the client wants a new sconce then I'll spend like quite a bit of time, like drawing that specific sconce and scaling it. Whereas I can just have a standard size sconce that I can place into the drawing. And then adjust and tweak it a little bit.

That's brilliant. I love that.

Yeah. So smart. Efficient.

That’s so smart.

Solveig is very efficient.

A CAD library. I love that.

I'd like to read it sometime.

I'd like to see it in a drawing. I never know how to do it.

I'm the CAD librarian.

Yes, yes.

Gather around children.

Yeah. Templates and blocks are super helpful. Templates are, the world of CAD is just really broad and there's so many things to explain about it. But if I could break it down easily and like layman's terms, there's a model space where you're drawing. And then there's paper space where you're plotting your layouts. So paper space is what the client's going to see. And, and paper space, you can create view ports, which are basically windows to drawing space.

So that's where you pull in the drawings. And templates are really helpful for that entire space because you're able to set up title blocks and stuff. And also in drawing space set up, drawing windows and just to have that for every project, rather than having to set up every single time is super helpful and time saving as well.


Genius. Love it.


Any other questions for you?

No. What else, what else was on your mind?


Can checklist. Was there anything else?

Checklist. The CAD process is ever changing. I would say, I'm learning all the time and there's feedback that I get from the project management team as well that's super helpful. And there's a CAD checklist and CAD feedback document that we use, that I will reference when I'm creating plans. So if there's ever any updates to that list or any new suggestions that I get from PM, that's something that I referenced and will apply to new sets of plans for new projects.

It’s a brilliant internal process just to prevent things from coming up again.

Pretty bad things being proactive.


All my favorite things.


A few of my favorite things.

Those are your favorite things?

Yes, they are.

Right. They are.

Okay. Do we want to do fun questions?

Heck yeah, we do.

Okay. All right, Solveig. What is the best kept secret in Austin, Texas?

I feel like I have a couple.


I'll keep it short. I am a big fan of H Mart, which is all the way in Cedar park, unfortunately. And I really love Asian food and I love cooking Asian dishes. So I think the next best thing that is a bit closer to South Austin, where I am currently residing is this little market called Asahi. There's two locations. There's one south and then there's one, a little bit more north, but it's this really cute little Japanese market. You can go there to get onigiri.

They make it fresh every single day. But also if you just need any, you know, like Asian ingredients, they'll have pretty much everything that you will need.

Amazing. I'm getting hungry.

I thought H Mart was building a new location, like on Burnette.

I think I’ve heard that too.

Did you hear this?


Okay. Am I spreading false information? I swear I...

I don't think it's false.


I think it's true.


But for now, I'm going to Asahi.


Okay, I'm going to look it up. That’s amazing.

That's where you get your matcha?

I was just going to say that's also where I get my matcha.

Okay. That's what, okay. Got it. Noted.




Okay. What is a hidden talent of yours?

I think I've mentioned it a few times, but I really enjoy painting. And I think I enjoy painting so much because it's quite the opposite of CAD, which is very technical rule following work. And I like painting because it's very, I think cathartic, therapeutic and freeing, and I feel like I get to just be very expressive with it.

But also I just really like working with it. It's very malleable. And working with different mediums of super fun and just, I think you learn a lot about yourself. And that way as well, when you're painting.

It balances the CAD.


What if you like draw your cab, you end up like one day drawing your CAD on there. And you're like, oh, what am I doing?

What am I doing?

Wrong program.

You're like the type of person that uses both sides of your brain. You have the creative, and then you have the structural where all the numbers and then you have like the free-flowing. That's pretty cool.

I need that balance.

Yeah, that's awesome.

Both of your lobes get attention.

Yes. You got a smart brain.

I think that everyone should get both their lobes equal attention.

Well, not everyone does. Oh, my gosh. Okay. Out of all the office supplies, what would be your favorite item?

For obvious reasons, my tape measure.

You’re not the first person that said that actually. Was it Guy?


Yes. I think he said it.

Yeah. He for sure said that.


Besides my tape measure. My new baby. Which is my new laptop. For so long I was working in my little office in my apartment and didn't realize, oh, I can be mobile.


I didn't realize I did some research and you can actually, this, there are laptops like this that run CAD very professionally. So…

We're opened up to a whole new world now.

I know. I'm not a hermit.

You're like I can go to a coffee shop. I saw you with Ashley at the coffee shop. Like I can, I can do things.

You are a whole new person now.

I’m a whole new person now.

I love it.

I'm out in the world.

There's a whole world out there. Welcome.

It was like my own little quarantine.

Yes. Well, that's true. And your profession. I mean, you're, you're not want to like, you don't need to be out and about, so I'm sure especially during COVID, you just, that was your little huddle.

It was, it was absolutely.

What is something positive in the media world that you've seen lately?

I saw on the news recently there was this dog with this very rare disease or something. I don't know. That he was going to get put down but then they tested this new antibiotic on him and it saved his life.

Oh, I love that.

I know.

It started off sounding sad so I was worried I was going to say, this is positive Solveig.

Any stories with like a dog or like a pet that's gonna like be put down and then they get saved I just, oh my god, that really gets to me.

It truly like transforms your day because it makes you happy.


I remember one of our team members that saved the three legged dog.

I was just thinking about that.


She’s a saint.

Because she knew they were going to put him down.



It’s like sad, happy. It's like, oh I hate to think about that but…

I know.

She’s in a good home now.


Yeah. It's like dog stories and then people that are in the army or…

And then they come home.

And then they come, surprise the kids. Uh, No.

I live for those videos.


I’m crying on my lunch break.

Oh yeah. I'm just going to say something. Oh the, have you all seen that dog, Bonnie the dog or…



Okay. Bonnie freaks me out.

They can talk. Uses buttons to talk.

Oh yes.

And she's like having an existential crisis.

Well some sheets, there's a big pad, right?


Right and she trained the dog?

I'm worried to know what Bruno would say. My dog like I don't…

Oh right.

I guess it would just be squirrel. Squirrel, squirrel, squirrel.


Oh my gosh. Literally, squirrel. That's so good.

That’s his trigger button.

Okay Solveig. Yey! This was so fun. Thanks for joining us and telling us the world of CAD.

So happy to be here.

Yeah. Now we all know the world of CAD.


And the little twisted parks of…

Yes. Well now if you know, if people want to experience working with you and see your skills I mean, yeah. This is the way to do it.


Come on board.

Yeah, please come on board. I love…



I have lots of plans to draw. do do do do.

But now honestly, I would love if we had another drafter come on board. I just love mentoring so much and it would be very very very welcome.

Maybe you should teach this course.

That’s my dream.

I’ll sign up for it.

Is this your way of getting out to the world? Somebody apply to Simply Home.


I will be teaching.

This is a public news announcement.


Okay. Good to know.

Okay, well, thank you Solveig.

Thank you.

And thanks everybody for listening in “To the world of CAD”,

That's all for now.